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NOW Tests CoQ10 & Quercetin Sold on Amazon


NOW Reports New Testing of CoQ10 & Quercetin in Brands Sold on Amazon Shows No Improvement in Policing Quality


NOW continued its award-winning industry self-policing program of testing unfamiliar brands found on Amazon and, unfortunately, the cheating continues. The program, begun in 2017, tests high value products sold by unheard of brands on Amazon at both internal and external labs, and evaluates the results compared to label claims.

NOW reexamined eight brands of CoQ10 to see if those that were identified as low potency in testing done in 2020 had improved and found the same serious problems remain for seven out of eight brands tested.  Additionally, as shown below, NOW found brands cheating by misrepresenting potencies through deceptive labeling tricks.

NOW purchased three samples of each product below and tested by HPLC both internally at NOW’s state-of-the-art labs and externally at the highly regarded Eurofins labs.  It is apparent by looking at lot numbers and bottle types that the same manufacturer is supplying multiple brands with the same fraudulent products (see Florida brands in the chart below).

  • Clear Formulas, aSquared, Foxy Doc and Healthy Way brands all mislabel their product as “400mg/6%” potency.  This is deceptive when the front panel says “400mg” potency and the Amazon title says “CoQ10 400mg Max Strength”.  The customer gets less than 24mg CoQ10 per capsule.
  • NOW previously tested a variety of CoQ10 brands on Amazon in 2017, 2018 & 2020 with similar failing results. aSquared, Healthy Way, NasaBe’Ahava and We Like Vitamins were all under 35% potency in 2020 as well.
  • Seven out of eight brands tested had less than 30% of the potency claimed
  • Perhaps most alarming, three of the eight brands claimed to be in vegetarian capsules, but testing both at NOW and at Eurofins confirmed gelatin was used.  The failing brands are Clear Formulas, Healthy Way and Sundhed.

NOW chose to test a larger group of Quercetin supplements.  The reason they chose Quercetin is demand increased greatly during Covid-19, and raw material costs jumped significantly.  NOW felt that if brands were to cheat with potency, a product like Quercetin might be more likely to include less Quercetin than is on the label.  Additionally, Quercetin dihydrate 95% is the raw ingredient used in supplements and some brands claim “400mg Quercetin”, while others may claim “420mg” Quercetin dihydrate” and the potency is identical.  Some brands label as “Quercetin dihydrate” to show a higher label claim, although this is not normal.

Quality brands such as NOW input at least 10% overage Quercetin dihydrate in order to compensate for Quercetin dihydrate being 95% Quercetin.  This assures customers that full potency label claims are met.  Unfortunately, many brands do not do this and below shows what we found with internal testing and, again, by Eurofins, as a leading outside laboratory.

  • Two brands labeled Quercetin deceptively by stating “18% potency”, the same trick as done with CoQ10.
  • NasaBe’Ahava brand is a repeat violator, labeling Quercetin as “Each capsule contains 500mg Quercetin Dihydrate (20% potency).”
  • Cadane brand, made in India, mislabels as 100mg Quercetin 10:1 extract, equivalent to 1000mg.  Testing showed this brand to be one of the very worst for potency results with only 4% of claim.
  • 20 out of 24 brands (in yellow in chart below) tested below 90% label potency and 14 out of 24 brands actually tested with less than 50% of labeled potency.
  • Two out of 24 brands tested revealed lower cost gelatin capsules were used when the labels declared vegetarian/cellulose.  Doublewood Supplements and NasaBe’Ahava both contain gelatin.

“NOW has reported these findings to Amazon directly, as we did previously, but the problem products continue to be sold, and often as a “Sponsored” (paid marketing) featured products,” said Dan Richard, NOW’s Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing. “NOW plans to send a copy of this report to Amazon, NPA trade group, FDA and FTC.   Low potency brands do harm to consumers everywhere, as well as to honest businesses that make and sell quality products. ”

⚠︎ = potency claims not met or poor results

NOW Re-Testing for CoQ10
Amazon Brands April 2022
Size Lot # Label Claim/Cap NOW Results Eurofins
Av %
⚠︎ aSquared Nutrition, FL 100 Vcaps 30465 400 mg/6% 20 mg 23.6 mg Mislabel
⚠︎ Clear Formulas, FL 200 Vcaps 30620 400 mg/6% 23 mg 23.3 mg Mislabel
⚠︎ Foxy Doc, PA 200 Vcaps 30611A 200 mg/6% 9 mg 10.9 mg Mislabel
⚠︎ Healthy Way FL 200 Vcaps 30442 200 mg/6% 11 mg 12.4 mg Mislabel
⚠︎ NasaBe’Ahava, FL 200 Vcaps 30662 200 mg 11 mg 12.1 mg 6%
NutriONN, OR 120 Vcaps CQ210710 200 mg 199 mg 198 mg 99%
⚠︎ SUNDHED, FL 60 Vcaps 30520 400 mg 21 mg 21.8 mg 5%
⚠︎ We Like Vitamins, TX 120 Vcaps CQ60050 200 mg 54 mg 53.4 mg 27%
Quercetin Amazon Testing
by NOW April 2022
Size Lot # Label Claim/Cap NOW Results Eurofins
Av %
⚠︎ Amazing Formulas, NJ> 120 Vcaps AV-22020203 500 mg >331 mg 337 mg 67%
⚠︎ Ancient Bliss, TX 120 Caps AQ6219 500 mg 98 mg 101 mg 20%
⚠︎ aSquared Nutrition, FL 120 Vcaps 30454 500 mg/18% 96 mg 96 mg 19%
⚠︎ Balance Breens, MI 120 Vcaps P210200/3 500 mg 440 mg 441 mg 88%
⚠︎ Cadane Organic, INDIA 60 Vcaps MI/CQESC08/1-500 100 mg 0.8 mg 7 mg 4%
⚠︎ Doublewood Supp., PA 120 Vcaps 2109314-2 500 mg 393 mg 371 mg 76%
Forest Leaf, NY 90 Vcaps 100051 250 mg 257 mg 268 mg 105%
⚠︎ GADE Nutrition, FL 120 Vcaps 2121 0201 250 mg/95% 55 mg 52 mg 21%
⚠︎ Global Healing, TX 60 Vcaps 29K21C 250 mg 92 mg 85 mg 35%
Luma Nutrition, CA 60 Vcaps 22021-2 250 mg 310 mg 263 mg 115%
MT. Angel Vitamins 300 Vcaps 72436 265 mg 282 mg 267 mg 104%
⚠︎ NasaBe’Ahava, FL 200 Vcaps 30515A 500 mg/20% 124 mg 129 mg 25%
⚠︎ Naturebell, CA 240 Caps A201NB9 500 mg 162 mg 165 mg 33%
⚠︎ New World/Dr. Recom 120 Vcaps RQ6132 500 mg 225 mg 214 mg 44%
⚠︎ NUI NUTRA, Utah 120 Vcaps 21021847 440 mg 393 mg 382 mg 88%
⚠︎ Nutricost, Utah 120 Vcaps 21090303 440 mg 403 mg 365 mg 87%
⚠︎ Nutrivein, WA 60 Vcaps QU60716 400 mg 163 mg 175 mg 42%
⚠︎ Sandhus, CA 120 Vcaps 18/220302A 500 mg 195 mg 203 mg 40%
⚠︎ Smart Nutrition, DE 180 Vcaps QU60834 500 mg 126 mg 91 mg 22%
⚠︎ Sterius Nutrition, FL 120 Vcaps Unreadable 400 mg 28 mg 26 mg 7%
⚠︎ Supplements Studio MV 180 Caps 250 mg 84 mg 83 mg 33%
Toniiq, IL 120 Vcaps 211256 500 mg/95% 477 mg 435 mg 91%
⚠︎ VIODIS, NV 60 Caps 2021-11029 250 mg 2 mg 0%
⚠︎ Vita Formula, NC 120 Caps 1004211A 250 mg 211 mg 222 mg 87%

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