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Verified Probiotic Identity and Potency



NOW probiotic products are verified using the latest in bacterial strain identification and control – the RiboPrinter® Microbial Characterization System. This automated molecular method provides speed, accuracy, reproducibility and reliability when assessing bacterial strains. NOW scientists utilize this powerful, cutting-edge tool to guarantee the identity, potency, and purity of the bacterial strains used in our probiotic products, as well as to help identify potential bacterial contaminants prior to production.

Probiotic Raw Materials

With the RiboPrinter® system NOW is able to test incoming probiotics to verify their identity and potency prior to being released for production. The RiboPrinter® identifies individual strains through DNA assessment, the most accurate method developed to date. In addition, the actual potency of each individual strain is validated and confirmed prior to production, and again after the finished product is produced.

This means NOW can guarantee the potency, purity and safety of all NOW probiotic products.

Other Raw Materials

Some raw materials are at increased risk for bacterial contamination due to factors that can include country of origin, length of time in transit, natural vulnerabilities, and more.  In these instances, NOW microbiologists employ the RiboPrinter® to identify any and all strains of bacteria present. This allows us to rapidly and accurately assess a raw material’s safety.

In instances where contamination with unwanted bacteria is detected, the raw material in question is immediately quarantined, removed from production flow, and returned to the vendor for further assessment.

Probiotic Finished Goods

Once a probiotic formula is produced, NOW quality control technicians once again employ the RiboPrinter® to verify potency after production, as well as ensure probiotic strain identity. In addition, long-term stability and shelf life can be confirmed.

Other Finished Goods

If bacterial contamination is ever suspected or indicated in non-probiotic finished products, the RiboPrinter® helps NOW technicians identify all bacterial strains present, allowing them to quickly assess whether a product is indeed contaminated.

NOW is Committed to Product Safety and Quality

In today’s rapid supply and replenishment marketplace, the ability to identify bacterial contamination prior to introduction into the consumer supply chain is essential. With the RiboPrinter® NOW can accurately assess probiotic bacterial identity and potency, and identify potential contamination, in a matter of hours.

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