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Selenium 200 mcg – Pharmacokinetic (pK) Study


Bioavailability Study

Selenium is an essential trace mineral that supports normal immune system function and detoxification. Three healthy female volunteers 29 to 42 years old participated in a clinical trial to study the bioavailability of Selenium 200 mcg, a dietary supplement from NOW® (item # 1485). Supplementation was administered as one capsule a day for six weeks. Each capsule provides 200 mcg of selenium in the form of L-Selenomethionine. Whole blood selenium was measured at baseline, and again at 2, 4, and 6 weeks from the beginning of supplementation.


Average whole blood selenium concentrations in healthy adult female volunteers supplemented with L-Selenomethionine (200 mcg selenium/day, NOW®, item # 1485) at baseline, and after 2, 4, and 6 weeks of supplementation.

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