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Do Supplements Work?


The science behind NOW products

Walk into any natural products store and look around. Most of the supplements you see, and the ingredients in them, have been studied to some degree by scientists and researchers.

Research is how we verify the quality and safety of NOW® products, and it’s the basis of our product development process.

While there are certainly many natural ingredients that haven’t been thoroughly studied, many have extensive bodies of research that are convincing and generally accepted.

For instance, it’s research that led to the FDA-approved health claim for omega-3 fatty acids that states, “Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease”. It took decades of studies, tests and clinical trials to arrive at this supported health claim. Science makes it possible, and science lets us know our products work.

Product development

At NOW science and research are at the heart of our product development process.

  • The health benefit claims made on our product labels are backed by research. We use ingredients that are backed by clinical trials and laboratory studies.
  • Our label claims are accurate. We use scientific data to ensure that the claims we make for our products, both health and content claims, are accurate and legitimate.
  • Research tells us how much of an ingredient to put in a product. Information such as dosage, serving size and, in many cases, suggested use are based on the doses used in actual clinical trials.
  • By keeping up with the latest research and newly released studies, we stay up to date on the latest health trends, as well as the most pressing wellness needs of today’s consumers. Then we tailor our newest products, and update existing formulas, to address these needs.

The proof is in the products

So how do we know NOW® products are properly formulated? – by the fact that leading universities and laboratories request our products for clinical trials.

Accepted research depends upon the integrity and consistency of the processes and materials used. When researchers need supplements they can trust to meet label claims and their clinical standards for quality and purity, they turn to NOW.

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