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Foaming Hand Soap


empty mini foaming dispenser
1 tablespoon liquid unscented Castile soap
1 tablespoon distilled or filtered water
2 teaspoons Liquid Coconut Oil
5 drops Tea Tree Oil
10 drops Spike Lavender Oil
or 10 drops Orange Oil

This affordable and natural alternative to store-bought soap is great for the kitchen and the bathroom. It also makes for wonderful DIY handmade gifts too!


  1. In your measuring cup, combine equal parts of castile soap and distilled water.
  2. Add in NOW® Solutions fractionated coconut oil.
  3. Pick your choice of NOW® Solutions essential oils, and mix in completely with other liquids.
  4. Fill the dispenser with your mixture, leaving room for the pump.
  5. Tightly adhere the pump top and shake gently.

To use:
Pump desired amount into hands and wash thoroughly with warm water.

Caution: Essential oils are highly concentrated and should be used with care. Dilute essential oils as directed, do not exceed dilutions recommended for this recipe. Pure essential oils can be irritating to skin. Women who are pregnant should always consult their physician before use of essential oils. Not for internal use. Avoid contact with eyes.


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