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More than just skin deep

Whoever said beauty is only skin deep clearly wasn’t taking nutrition into account.

While it’s true that our outward appearance is the biggest contributing factor to our physical appeal, good nutrition plays a vital role that’s often overlooked. If you’re moisturizing regularly but eating only fast food, you’re not doing yourself, or your appearance, any favors.

At NOW® Solutions we place great emphasis on a healthy lifestyle as the foundation for natural beauty. If you’re eating right and exercising regularly you’re already on the right track. But even with a sensible diet and exercise, we can sometimes find ourselves lacking in the nutrients we need for health and beauty- nutrients that a natural supplement can provide.

  • Vitamin C – Most of us think of vitamin C as an essential immune-supporting vitamin. But did you know this nutrient is also vitally important for your body’s production of collagen, the primary connective tissue in our skin?
  • Biotin – Also known as vitamin B-7, this water-soluble vitamin is necessary for normal growth and general body function. It’s also known as “The Beauty Vitamin” due to its role in skin health, and to a lesser extent in hair and nail health.
  • Hyaluronic Acid – This nutrient is widely distributed throughout the connective tissues in our body and is a major component of our skin. In simple terms hyaluronic acid helps to hydrate and maintain the spaces between the cells that make up our skin so that nutrients have free passage.

These are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients you need to maintain optimal skin health.

Fortunately, if you’re looking for the best skin supplements, NOW® Solutions has combined the most important nutrients for hair, skin and nails into two unique skin supplements – Clinically Advanced Hair, Skin & Nails and Wrinkle Rescue™ Caps.

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