A friend in need…
NOW has enjoyed many good years, but we’ve also seen plenty of lean years, and it’s these times that help us remain grounded and focused on what really matters – helping others. At NOW we’re committed to sharing our blessings and good fortune with others. To this end we give generously based on the needs we see around us, as well as specific, ongoing causes. We give to charities in a direct and efficient manner, and we actively seek charities that are “self-enabling”, or those charities that encourage their recipients and teach them the skills they need to take care of themselves going forward. These are just a few of the charities we give to:

Local Canadian Needs
- Adopt a Family
- Autism Speaks Canada
- Bruce Trail Conservancy
- Children’s Foundation Of Guelph & Wellington
- Food Banks Canada
- Guelph Food Bank
- Guelph Wellington Women in Crisis
- Hopewell Children’s Homes – Supported Living Services
- Maple Leaf Camp
- Michael House – Shelter & Support for Mothers
- National Service Dogs
- Wyndham House – Youth Emergency Shelter

World Needs
Disaster Relief
- Vitamin Angels provides life changing vitamins to millions of mothers and children in more than 70 countries including many underserved communities across Canada.

Each month, we generously support a charity from coast to coast with our employees. Together, we take pride in helping others lead empowered lives.
For Canadian donation requests, please email: charitycommittee@puresource.ca
Click here for NOW USA’s Charitable Contributions